Why, thank you, I'd be honored!
I am so excited! One of my top two picks for faculty advisors said yes to working with me for an Honors project! Full speed ahead! Here's the proposal:
I am interested in looking at the cultural competency of BSN students. The rationale for increasing cultural competency among nurses is obvious (but would be fully outlined in my final paper of course), but the logistics of doing so is much more complicated. We tend to leave the concept of cultural competency in the abstract, and never truly integrate it into practice. I've heard nurses ask patients, "Are there any cultural practices or beliefs that we should be aware of?", and I cringe because most of us aren't aware of our own practices and beliefs because they are so integral. It's a little like asking a patient if they are experiencing lupus - it's not a very answer-able question.
Using the nursing process, it seems smart to assess the level of competency that students have in issues of diversity awareness, personal values, etc as they begin nursing school, before interventions are planned for increasing that competency. As I've been researching the topic in order to write a resolution for ANS, I have found a tool (Josepha Campinha-Bacote's IAPCC-SV) that measures the level of cultural competence among healthcare professional students. One of the focuses of Campinha-Bacote's research is cultural desire, or the motivation to learn about culture and interact with awareness. I am particularly interested in trying to get a sense of the readiness to learn among the BSN population with regards to issues of culture, diversity, tolerance, acceptance, awareness.
So the research question I'm considering is: What is the level of cultural competence among BSN students at this school of nursing?
OMG today's research class was hell because of all this tools and frameworks conversation! LOL And here I come to read your blog and am assaulted with more! LMAO!
Oh goodness...my research class isn't until Friday. It seems all around some nursing students are talking about research somewhere. Good topic though -- although I think "cultural competency" is a buzz word we hear frequently in school, do we really get that type of education?
I mean in my school, there are professors who think sex and gender are synonymous. Or how we could get through an entire two semesters without talking about gay people. At all. I'd be interested to hear what you find out.
LP - the day we spent on conceptual models and frameworks was one that I really almost cried during class discussion. I am a crier, yes, and I will frequently cry when I feel frustrated. I just could not for the life of me see why this professor was trying to draw a distinction between a framework that might have concepts in it, but include other things, like theories and ideas (which of course were synomous with concepts to me until five minutes ago) and conceptual models and that both are different than theoretical models, which is like Bandura or Benner. fuck me, I wanted to grab my bag and stomp out of that class so badly.
sorry to bring it back again. we'll see if i make it through the process without making myself cry.
good lord yes, emory -
it's a great phrase, if we're all on the same page about what we mean by cultural and what we mean by competency. And that doesn't even get into a distinction between tolerance and acceptance and goddammit, I am so pissed off these days about charting skin assessments. Stop marking my newborn assessment papers up because I didn't describe his color as pink. His skin is not pink, and therefore I didn't chart that it was pink. Skin was consistent in color over trunk, arms and legs, with hands and feet marked lighter. No, they weren't blue-grey. Yes, it's still acrocyanosis. yes, we should be talking to the people who write the electronic charting programs to add other options for skin assessment. in the meantime, did you know that you have this nice little free text box here for typing in exactly what you see? try it. and don't use any terms that are relative to your own skin tones.
LOL. Wait till you work somewhere like the Rio Grande Valley (ie: almost Mexico) where EVERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING is bilingual...except You!
Culture diversity...I experienced culture shock! Try doing patient teaching like wash your hands where the only word you know is "water" in spanish! I do alot of air hand washing!
First week here...had a doctor take me on rounds (I was a 6 year experienced ADN nurse). He spoke dialect Spanish to every patient...then wanted to know if I "got" it when we got back to the station. He told me I would never make it here because I couldn't speak Spanish. My reply, "Well don't you have to write the orders in English, still????" Shut him up...and I'm still here 2 years later....still learning words...and still reading....ENGLISH!
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